Friday, August 31, 2012


I look at you as you pass, 
you look at me as you pass.
Eyes center stage.
 I know nothing of you, 
you know nothing of me.
Eyes turn away.
 I feel nothing for you, 
you feel nothing for me.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

History of Repetition

"We cannot afford to forget the lessons of the crisis and the damage it caused to millions of Americans. Amnesia is what causes financial crises."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Scales Shall Fall From Thine Eyes.

 My writing like my life will have errors, yet the only person whom I am capable of pleasing is myself; flawed by nature, an overachiever, drunken binges, drunk on the river Styx. 
I am “thine own palace”, the world is my jail. “Angel’s sinn'd first, then devils, and then man”, I am a man of my sins, a sin of one man. 
Expression my expression, damned of the damned. I am that I am, damned of the damned. To hell with form, let it die with tradition; expression of my expression prerequisite of permission. Conform! Deform! Rules for the twisting, be warned, Muses know no form exempt from permission.
 "For it is ultimately the function of art; to bring us to a condition of serenity, stillness, and reconciliation.” Not chide, bicker, and snicker for fear of humiliation.  "For it is the function of art; to bring us to serenity, stillness, and reconciliation." Not chide, bicker, and snicker for fear of humiliation.